If you Invested In a Solar System...
Discover The Extra Solar Incentives
We Can Get You!

Don't forfeit your money to the IRS!

Homeowner Solar Refund Problems
Solar Tax Pros Solutions

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Frequently Asked Questions

The IRS Investment Tax Credit Law offers a 30% income tax credit from the IRS to recoup solar investment costs.

Additional income tax incentives of 10% – 40% can be recouped with our Solar Tax Max Plan™ along with potential State, Local, & Utility incentives.

The 30% investment tax credit is calculated based on total Solar System costs. 

The investment tax credit is a non-refundable tax credit meaning a refund is only given if one is paying income taxes.

  1. If you paid income taxes and you have a credit at the IRS, the IRS will refund the extra money you gave them.
  2. If you don’t use the entire tax credit in the first year, you can use the remaining credit balance next year.
  3. The tax credit balance will carry forward for 20 years.  

Higher Income Taxpayer Example:

A Homeowner goes solar and pays $100,000 for a solar system in 2023. 

The Homeowner receives a 30% Investment Tax Credit of $30,000 from the IRS. 

The Homeowner is married and earns $100,000 in 2023 and pays $20,000 in taxes.

The Homeowner will receive a $20,000 tax refund.

The remaining $10,000 tax credit will carry forward for 20 more years.  



Lower Income Taxpayer Example:

A Homeowner goes solar and pays $100,000 for a solar system in 2023. 

The Homeowner receives a 30% Investment Tax Credit of $30,000 from the IRS. 

The Homeowner is married and only earns $50,000 in 2023 and pays just $3,000 in taxes.

The Homeowner will receive a $3,000 tax refund.

The remaining $27,000 tax credit will carry forward for 20 more years.  



NO Income Taxpayer Example:

A Homeowner goes solar and pays $100,000 for a solar system in 2023. 

The Homeowner receives a 30% Investment Tax Credit of $30,000 from the IRS. 

The Homeowner is married and only earns $30,000 in 2023 and pays just $0 in taxes.

The Homeowner will receive NO tax refund.

The remaining $30,000 tax credit will carry forward for 20 more years.

The basic solar rules state a Homeowner can only apply the 30% ITC once the system is fully functional and producing energy.

The advanced solar rules used by Solar Tax Max™ state the 30% ITS can be applied the year the solar contract is signed if 5% of the solar project was initiated, i.e. Site Survey.


Solar Tax Max™ Advanced Solar Rules Example:

A Homeowner signs a contract to buy solar on December 20, 2022. 

As long as 5% of the solar project is complete in 2022, the Homeowner can apply for the 30% ITC for the 2022 tax year only when using Solar Tax Max™.

Our extensive solar tax research would take other CPAs countless hours of expensive research.

Solar Tax Pros has done all the homework for your current tax professional to apply you your tax filing.  We can also file your taxes with our CPAs.

Solar Tax Pros is a tax consulting firm with a team of Certified Public Accounts and Tax Attorneys specializing in energy incentive reimbursement programs .  We have created many proprietary strategies to help solar investors win big.

The Solar Tax Max™ Plan allows homeowners to receive additional Federal income tax incentives of 10%-40% above the 30% Tax Credit.

Depending on how much income tax you pay, solar incentives may be fully collected back in the first year for higher-income earners or a series of years for lower-income earners- until realized. Proper tax planning is required!

Our fee is a small fraction of your newfound income tax savings.

Yes! A tax solar credit can be used to pay taxes owed one year prior.

Each person’s tax situation is different but our Solar Tax Max™ calculator estimates solar incentives very accurately.

If you are ever audited our Tax Attorneys and CPAs will defend you in tax court at no cost to you whatsoever and we put this in writing.

Yes!  Solar Tax Max™ can be applied to solar investments made up to three years ago.

Yes, we have a large network of solar installers and professionals that use Solar Tax Pros daily.

Are you paying too much income tax?

Find out how we eliminate tax liabilities.

Havent gone solar yet?

That’s because you haven’t seen our IRRESITABLE Solar Plan.