2024 Calculator Script

The government is giving away money to go solar via IRS refund!

Let's see how much you qualify for before they expire!

Solar Tax Pros ensures you collect your solar incentives.

2024 Solar Tax Max™ Calculator
Homeowner Information (*Required)
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Solar Company Info (*Required)
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Solar Tax Max™ Inputs
Solar Tax Max™ Outputs
Solar System Total Cost
30% Investment Tax Credit:
10% Energy Community Tax Credit
Tax Deduction Benefit
State, Local, Utility Incentives
Total Solar Incentives
Net Solar Costs
Energy Banking
Compare Homeowner's Lifetime Energy Expenses VS. Investing Solar Savings!
Energy Banking Plan Inputs
Include Energy Banking in PDF Report
Energy Banking Plan Numbers
Which Would You Rather Have?
  • Lifetime Energy
  • vs.
  • Energy Banking™
  • Today
  • vs.
  • Year 5
  • vs.
  • Year 10
  • vs.
  • Year 25
  • vs.
  • Year 50
  • vs.
  • Year 75
  • vs.
  • Year 100
  • vs.
Inflation Rate Electric Bill (MO) Electric Bill Auto-Fuel Bill Total Energy Bill Cumulative Energy Bill
Connection Fee Solar Bill Cumulative Solar Bill Solar Savings Annual ROI Investment Rate of Return
Disclaimer: Solar Representative and their affiliate Solar Company do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared by information shared by the homeowner and is for informational purposes only, and is not to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. One should consult a tax, legal and accounting advisors like Solar Tax Pros before engaging in any tax transaction. Solar Tax Pros assumes no risk or liability for the use of this online estimator tool. Solar Tax Max™ Plan may only be used by approved solar representatives.

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Solar Tax Pros

3-Minute Homeowner Story


Explain the Problem:

  1. Have you ever estimated how much money you will spend on electricity and auto-fuel over your lifetime?
  2. Since we all need electricity to live, we typically just pay the bill.
  3. But now we can eliminate energy expenses with solar and even a new Electric Vehicle.
  4. Let’s calculate your lifetime energy expenses and agree on the number together.  OK?
  5. How much do you spend per month on electricity?   And Auto-fuel?
  6. The average inflation on energy is about 5%.  Is that fair to say?
  7. Let’s focus on the red column by year.  Do these numbers make sense?
  8. Do you think this is a problem you want to fix? 

Explain the Solution:

  1. What do you think would happen if we invested these monthly energy savings?
  2. The S&P 500 index has averaged 12% over the last 50 years.
  3. Can we use this number as your investment rate or would you rather buy bitcoin which averages 35%?
  4. Do you think the annual solar savings look accurate?
  5. Can you see how the savings compound over time? 
  6. Do you understand the numbers?
  7. Great!  So let’s get the compound effect started for your future!

Letter to Email Clients

Dear [Homeowner's Name],
I hope this letter finds you well and your solar system is delivering benefits!
I’m excited to share with you an incredible opportunity to collect more than the 30% tax credit. With a tax consulting firm called Solar Tax Pros.
Please visit their website SolarTaxPros.com and book a call to discover how much extra you may collect back from the IRS and consider using the newfound solar incentives to upgrade your solar system or pay off your loan quicker.
Lastly, we’re excited to offer a generous $1,000 referral reward for any friends or family you refer to us— as the extra solar incentives make investing in solar even more rewarding!

[Solar Rep Name]

[Solar Rep Company Name]

[Solar Rep Phone]